Father’s Day in is approaching! What would be a better gift than a sustainable and high-quality merino wool beanie made in Finland!
You can wear merino wool beanie in every season, and it is long-lasting. Due to the natural characteristics of merino wool, it is perfect for different outdoor activities. When the weather gets cold and snowy merino wool feels warm and dry. In milder weather merino wool feels nice and breathable. If you are looking for a gift for an active outdoor enthusiastic, merino wool beanie will be for sure appreciated. Especially in Finland during winter the weather can be very cold, proper outdoor gear is definitely useful.
You can wear Superyellow beanies every-day and therefore they fit perfectly for many different occasions. We at Superyellow think that the best gifts are long-lasting and practical. Practical gifts that can be used throughout the year are also more sustainable. Here are some tips which beanie to choose from our collection.
Beacon-beanie is one of our classics, and it is a go-to-choice for fathers who spend time outdoors or indoors. This classic looks good in every occasion! Beacon-beanie is tight merino wool knitting and therefore you can wear it in colder weather as well.
Sailor-beanie is one of our most popular beanies and therefore a perfect gift choice for Father’s Day! You never go wrong with this classic beanie – its simple look and perfect fit is an unbeatable combination.
Björn-beanie is definitely one of our favorites! Are you looking for a gift for a father whose favorite winter activity is ice-fishing? This big chunk of merino wool is the perfect gift choice for fathers who love spending time outdoors especially in winter.
Sisu-beanie is one of our newest additions to our beanie family. Detailed with a classic logo detail and bright colors, Sisu-beanie makes a great gift choice for Father’s Day!
Having trouble deciding? No worries, check out Superyellow gift cards!